Sunday, June 2, 2013

Jehovah Jireh

I've been wanting to write this blog since day one. This is the blog where I get to tell you that I am FULLY FUNDED!


When I needed $500 to put a downpayment on the trip, He provided.
When I wasn't "on schedule" when I needed to be 50% funded, He taught me patience.
When I needed nearly $1800 in two weeks, He provided in a huge way.
When He promised to bring in the last of the $9,300, I sat in awe.

The entire time I went back and forth between assurance of His promises and worry that the amount was too big. NOTHING is too big for our God. Even when I worried; He was moving. While I was counting pennies, He was moving in the hearts of people who gave, generously. People who have given five bucks of their gas money, or 500 of their bonuses from work...every cent is received with a grateful heart.

When I put my faith in Him and Him alone, He showed me how incredible He truly is. I have seen His faithfulness and power and might and love in ways that I never thought I would.

THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to those of you who have prayed me through this and spent time encouraging me. You have been a part of showing me God's faithfulness and teaching me patience in HUGE ways.

I AM SO EXCITED! If THIS is how much God moves in fundraising, I can't wait to see what He does in Africa. It's nothing me or my team can do that will bring healing, help, or joy to the people we are going to serve and learn from. It's GOD moving through us and being gracious enough to use us, even though we are all unworthy of the opportunity.

I leave in 34 days, LEGGO!

"Let us hold unswervingly to this hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful"
Hebrews 10:23

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