Thursday, June 13, 2013

Do something, or stop talking.

The Anti-Trafficking Movement. What is it, exactly?

Isn't it about awareness? Something about a red X? Some problem third world countries face? Buy a t-shirt, save a girls life in some small tribe in Africa? Didn't Passion do a thing on slavery, or something...?

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. 

If you Google searched "Anti Trafficking Organizations" I'm sure you'd find Polaris Project, International Justice Mission, End Slavery Now, THE End it Movement, etc etc... there are literally thousands of organizations that claim to fight to end modern day slavery. Some truly do great work, but a good amount of the ones I've looked into are about funding their own organization, not the rescue of young girls. They want to be advertised, rather than desiring to be effective. They want to be seen, rather than have their work create ripples that echo into every corner of our nation and world. 

So, why haven't you REALLY heard about it? Why don't you know the facts? 

Because, we, the young, ambitious and self-important college-aged young adults are part of the problem, rather than part of the solution. Let me repeat that, we are part of the problem. 

We don't really want to get our hands dirty with the anti-trafficking movement, we just want a t-shirt. 
We don't want to sell out completely for the cause of justice and freedom, we want to draw red X's on our hands. 
We don't want to let God take over our lives as we seek justice in His name, we want a cool facebook picture with our anti-trafficking student organizations. 
We don't want to work for freedom, but we'll want the credit when all is said and done. 

We are a part of the problem because we are AWARE, but not really educated. 
We are sort of informed, but sort of inactive. 
WE KNOW that slavery exists in its ugliest of forms, but we sit back waiting for someone else to step in because we've let society convince us that we don't really need to DO anything.
We are a CHURCH full of believers, who know the love and compassion of our Savior, but we don't see past our own pews. We don't go too far outside our own sanctuaries. We don't love like He loves. We don't eat with prostitutes, we wouldn't be caught dead in a bar or the "wrong" part of town. We are more concerned with how we look than WHO we represent. We sit in our Sunday service and sing our hymns, we talk about Jesus as our faithful provider, and we pray for our lives to be easier or better. There is SO MUCH MORE than our little world that needs prayer. There are people living in emotional chains that need to hear the name of JESUS. It's likely they aren't going to come waltzing into our Churches, so it's about time we take our ministry elsewhere... To where our sisters in bondage are. To where our broken brothers who sell them are. To where we can remember that WE are ALL broken. We are ALL sinners. We are ALL unworthy. 

Satan loves it. He loves that we are young, capable, informed, silent, inactive, and complacent. He will tell us the most enticing lies and convince us to be quiet. To stay in our little comfort zone, because it just takes too much work to really get involved.

It's okay if we sit back and do nothing. 
Trafficking doesn't "really" happen "here". 
Slavery ended with the Emancipation Proclamation. 
There are enough organizations to take care of this, they don't need me to help. 

ALL lies. There are 27 million people in slavery today. NOW is the time to get on your knees and pray constantly for justice to be present on this earth. It's not about how sad or brokenhearted we are for these women, though there is value in having a heart that seeks to end oppression. It's not about you and I. It's about our sisters in captivity. It's about the broken girls being sold in our hometowns. It's about the broken men who satan has convinced that it's okay to sell them. The anti-trafficking movement is not about the people in it; it's about the people needing rescue. 

1. See how God wants you to be involved in this. Pray for the staff of these organizations, the girls being sold, the girls who have been rescued, and the pimps that sell them. Pray for God to use our generation to be the LAST generation to tolerate slavery within our borders. 

2. Do research and learn the facts of what's going on where YOU are. There is a HUGE difference between awareness and education. Awareness is just a fad that will come to an end; education implies time spent seeking the truth behind this social injustice. Become truly educated about the cause and all involved. 

3. GET plugged in. Find an organization in your area. Get your home Church informed. Donate to an organization that you KNOW will send the money to the rescue of girls locally.

Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. Isaiah 1:17

Don't get caught up in the "trend" of the anti-trafficking cause. Do something, or stop talking. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Jehovah Jireh

I've been wanting to write this blog since day one. This is the blog where I get to tell you that I am FULLY FUNDED!


When I needed $500 to put a downpayment on the trip, He provided.
When I wasn't "on schedule" when I needed to be 50% funded, He taught me patience.
When I needed nearly $1800 in two weeks, He provided in a huge way.
When He promised to bring in the last of the $9,300, I sat in awe.

The entire time I went back and forth between assurance of His promises and worry that the amount was too big. NOTHING is too big for our God. Even when I worried; He was moving. While I was counting pennies, He was moving in the hearts of people who gave, generously. People who have given five bucks of their gas money, or 500 of their bonuses from work...every cent is received with a grateful heart.

When I put my faith in Him and Him alone, He showed me how incredible He truly is. I have seen His faithfulness and power and might and love in ways that I never thought I would.

THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to those of you who have prayed me through this and spent time encouraging me. You have been a part of showing me God's faithfulness and teaching me patience in HUGE ways.

I AM SO EXCITED! If THIS is how much God moves in fundraising, I can't wait to see what He does in Africa. It's nothing me or my team can do that will bring healing, help, or joy to the people we are going to serve and learn from. It's GOD moving through us and being gracious enough to use us, even though we are all unworthy of the opportunity.

I leave in 34 days, LEGGO!

"Let us hold unswervingly to this hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful"
Hebrews 10:23