Hey All,
It's been a crazy last few weeks, but we all made it through our respective finals and now it's time to enjoy some much-needed time off! Well, kind of. It turns out that getting ready to leave the country for 6 months is a little hard to do during finals/after a car wreck/hopped up on vicodin/while moving back home... who knew?
I am so surprised at how fast this year has flown by, it's already halfway through May! I leave in 53 days. FIFTY THREE! I am getting crazy excited (except for the ton of shots I'm getting soon, those I am not too thrilled about...) I am 68% funded, WHOOP. I have $6400 out of the $9300 I need, and that is ALL God. He has been faithful to provide and will continue to do so!
So as I was unpacking my things at home, I found a list of reasons why I should go to Africa that I wrote a while back...as in, five years ago. The list starts off with things that I'd be able to contribute to in a mission-work type setting ("I like working with kids" and "I don't mind being outdoors all the time"), then goes on to reasons why this would help in my career ("It shows I care about others"), then I started listing scriptures about sharing the Gospel. The entire list had a huge "X" through it, and at the bottom of the page, I wrote down one sentence.
"I want to go to Africa because it's what I'm called to do, none of the other reasons matter"
Apparently my 15 year-old self was rather insightful, but this was such an awesome reminder that this trip is truly something God has put on my heart for years. I can't believe that I actually get to go and live this dream. Sure, it's a little crazy, but hey... this is me we're talking about. I am beyond thankful for what God has done in my heart this last year and for all the many ways He's taught me, grown me, stretched me, tested me, humbled me, and shown me time and time again that none of it is about me; it's all about Him.
I've got 23 days to raise the last of my funding, 53 days until I leave, and 1 reason behind it all. I am thankful that the YES of God's promise is stronger than the NO of my circumstances. Please continue to pray that He will bring in the funding on His timing, and that He will be glorified through the whole process!
You can give $5, $10, or $15, and it will be a HUGE HELP! It adds up quickly when a lot of people give a small amount, so feel free to send any type of donation!
If you want to give, then do it! (go here: www.gofundme.com/bethelight)
If you'd rather go shopping (and it conveniently supports my trip), you can do that, TOO! Check out the Makeup for Missions Facebook Event!
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