Hey ladies (and guys, if any of you are reading this too)
I'd like to offer somewhat of an apology about my current fundraiser. I know I've been pushing the "Makeup for Missions" event pretty consistently, but I wanted to make sure that all of you knew a few things that are on my heart...
You don't need the makeup.
You don't need a ton of fancy beauty products.
I believe with my whole heart that you are called to more than makeup, hair, and your appearance.
After going over my packing list, and remembering the days when God told me to quit being so dang conceited (I did a makeup fast last year, I needed to check myself and get back into the Word), I realized that for a solid week, I've been pushing for girls to buy makeup. Wait....wait....what?
Given all of my words about being called to higher things than planning weddings on Pinterest, being more than just what you look like, and not finding your identity in the guy you're dating, etc, I feel almost embarrassed at how quickly I was willing to sell you on beauty products just to fund my trip to Africa. Please, please, please know that I am convinced you are a beautiful woman and if I haven't told you that personally, well...it's true. I'd hate to have any kind of attention regarding my trip to be wasted on vanity and beauty products, when it can (and should) be bringing glory to God and what He's done.
He's brought in nearly $7,000 of funding towards my trip. He's saved my life (literally) more than once. He's changed my heart, renewed my thinking, and called me to Africa to serve Him. He's done incredible things in the lives of so many people... the last thing on my mind when thinking about my trip is makeup. I pray the same is true for you. I'd MUCH rather the focus be Jehovah Jireh, my team's preparation, and His faithfulness to WRECK SHOP in all of our lives! Forget the lipstick, God is busy working miracles all over the WORLD.
If you feel like you should support me by using the MaryKay fundraiser, then go for it! But please know that my heart behind this was to use it as an opportunity to make my fundraising useful (so that people could give money, and get something tangible in return). I have NO desire to make the focus of my fundraising about what we look like on the outside. My hope and prayer is that God will show you time and time again, undoubtedly, that you are so incredibly beautiful. If you are having any doubts or insecurities about the way you look, take 'em to Jesus. I am for real, girls. Run to Him in your imperfection, let Him remind you that HE DIED on a Cross for your imperfect body. God sent His son to die for your heart, not your thighs or your cheekbones. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, and you bet that He wants you to do SO MUCH MORE with your life than worry about your stomach or arms or the number on the scale. If you are needing some encouragement about this, make sure you seek out the prayer and counsel of other women. This is not the time or place to call your boyfriend, best guy friend, or other brother in Christ.
We all have times where we wish we could change things about our appearance. Let God remind you that He made you, specifically to be you, and to be loved just the way you are. (quick side note: if you are surrounded by people (or dating someone) who are (is) NOT convinced of that, you can come talk to me. We'll have a little chat about how fast you need to get out and/or get better friends).
You. Are. Priceless. And you don't need makeup or a perfect body to have value. You are loved, by God, and by me. So please feel free to not buy any makeup from my fundraiser. I'd rather you keep your money and confidence of God's beauty in you, than profit off of any insecurity or need for worldly affirmation.
$2,400. 16 days. To God be the glory.
July 6, 2013 is the day I leave for a six month God-sized adventure in South Africa. This blog is my story of preparing, fundraising, praying, growing, and trusting in the Lord's timing before I set off to share His love with those in need!
Monday, May 20, 2013
Friday, May 17, 2013
"Other People"
Hey All,
Bear with me. Today, I'm admittedly frustrated. What started off with thinking about MYself and MY fundraising (as if there aren't more important things in the world to think about/to pray for), turned into a blog post about the Church. Funny how that seems to happen.
When praying for the Lord's faithfulness to be demonstrated and proven through my fundraising, which is something He's convicted me to pray for since day one, it dawned on me for the hundredth time. Of course it's supposed to be hard. Of course it's supposed to be frustrating. If it were easy, where would my faith grow? If it all came in from family and from big-wig donors, how would God's faithfulness be shown to non-believers and doubters? So, alright. I get it. Fundraising=difficult/challenging/God is building me up. I am fairly certain I have that one down...again.
But, why don't people give? Out of 900 "friends" on Facebook, easily less than 60 have given. Now, please, don't misunderstand me. I am incredibly thankful for all who have given, supported, and prayed. Some have prayed endlessly and are always asking how they can be in prayer for my team (THAT support freakin' rocks so please don't stop asking!) Some have given $5 of their last paychecks to support me (I'm forever humbled by those gifts), some have given their tithes to me in faith, and some have donated big chunks that I never saw coming. If I sit and look at the names, cards, letters, and dollar signs long enough, you bet I'll tear up in pure gratitude for people who have sacrificed to send me to Africa--not for the sake of me being great or awesome, but for the sake of the Gospel and its power to save lives; not because I can do anything miraculous, but because I believe that God will do miracles through our team if we yield to the Holy Spirit at every turn.
When I look at the issue of modern day slavery/poverty/prostitution (they are all interconnected), I'm faced with similar questions. Why don't people give? Why don't people serve? Why doesn't everyone DO something about it? How can they see the stories, read the news articles, see the faces of girls who have been put through pure hell, and go on living their lives as if it doesn't happen down the street? (Note; some people DO plenty. They start the enditmovement/IJM/Traffick911/Free The Captives/they volunteer/they pray daily/etc. There are people who devote their lives to this cause, and I respect them beyond belief!)
When it comes to just plain doing nothing, underlying is the same reason. We are entirely convinced that "this kind of work" is for "other people". Supporting missionaries is for "other people". BEING a missionary is for "other people". Working with girls who are sold into slavery is for "other people". Getting local law enforcement on board with teaching tactics of pimps to girls in the juvenile system is for "other people". Taking in that prostitute down the street is for "other people".
Let me tell you about these "other people". They don't exist. It's. Just. Us. There is no magically different group of people to take care of the least of these, it's up to you and I.
Everyone expects that "other people" will pick up the slack, bite the bullet, roll up their sleeves, and do what needs to be done. Because, let's face it, doing that work ourselves is just too inconvenient.
Or, maybe the opposite is true. Maybe the devil has used these "other people" to trick you into believing you're insignificant by comparison...into believing that ministry is for "other people". Good relationships centered on Christ are for "other people." Successful marriages are for "other people". College education is for "other people".
Those are powerful lies, alright. But Jesus Christ did not die for "other people". He died for you. He died for us all. We walk in victory when we walk with Christ. No, we don't stride around in arrogance and we don't walk without difficulty, but we DO walk, fully alive in the Spirit.
We're told many lies on a daily basis. Our hearts and minds are under attack, constantly. We're told we can't make a difference, won't be any good, still aren't good enough, will fail if we actually try, and so many others I'm sure you can think of. But the Word and Holy Spirit speak truth into these lies. Jesus calms our hearts and gives us peace. We know, that we know, that we know, that our God is more powerful.
His YES is stronger than satan's NO.
Oh, imagine how we'd live if we really believed all of the promises and truths of God's Word over the lies of the enemy. Imagine how different life would be. Now, go do it. Go walk in the confidence of His Word, and don't let the haters get you down. If there's a calling on your heart, go do it! If you wait around for these "other people", you'll be waiting forever.
Bear with me. Today, I'm admittedly frustrated. What started off with thinking about MYself and MY fundraising (as if there aren't more important things in the world to think about/to pray for), turned into a blog post about the Church. Funny how that seems to happen.
When praying for the Lord's faithfulness to be demonstrated and proven through my fundraising, which is something He's convicted me to pray for since day one, it dawned on me for the hundredth time. Of course it's supposed to be hard. Of course it's supposed to be frustrating. If it were easy, where would my faith grow? If it all came in from family and from big-wig donors, how would God's faithfulness be shown to non-believers and doubters? So, alright. I get it. Fundraising=difficult/challenging/God is building me up. I am fairly certain I have that one down...again.
But, why don't people give? Out of 900 "friends" on Facebook, easily less than 60 have given. Now, please, don't misunderstand me. I am incredibly thankful for all who have given, supported, and prayed. Some have prayed endlessly and are always asking how they can be in prayer for my team (THAT support freakin' rocks so please don't stop asking!) Some have given $5 of their last paychecks to support me (I'm forever humbled by those gifts), some have given their tithes to me in faith, and some have donated big chunks that I never saw coming. If I sit and look at the names, cards, letters, and dollar signs long enough, you bet I'll tear up in pure gratitude for people who have sacrificed to send me to Africa--not for the sake of me being great or awesome, but for the sake of the Gospel and its power to save lives; not because I can do anything miraculous, but because I believe that God will do miracles through our team if we yield to the Holy Spirit at every turn.
When I look at the issue of modern day slavery/poverty/prostitution (they are all interconnected), I'm faced with similar questions. Why don't people give? Why don't people serve? Why doesn't everyone DO something about it? How can they see the stories, read the news articles, see the faces of girls who have been put through pure hell, and go on living their lives as if it doesn't happen down the street? (Note; some people DO plenty. They start the enditmovement/IJM/Traffick911/Free The Captives/they volunteer/they pray daily/etc. There are people who devote their lives to this cause, and I respect them beyond belief!)
When it comes to just plain doing nothing, underlying is the same reason. We are entirely convinced that "this kind of work" is for "other people". Supporting missionaries is for "other people". BEING a missionary is for "other people". Working with girls who are sold into slavery is for "other people". Getting local law enforcement on board with teaching tactics of pimps to girls in the juvenile system is for "other people". Taking in that prostitute down the street is for "other people".
Let me tell you about these "other people". They don't exist. It's. Just. Us. There is no magically different group of people to take care of the least of these, it's up to you and I.
Everyone expects that "other people" will pick up the slack, bite the bullet, roll up their sleeves, and do what needs to be done. Because, let's face it, doing that work ourselves is just too inconvenient.
Or, maybe the opposite is true. Maybe the devil has used these "other people" to trick you into believing you're insignificant by comparison...into believing that ministry is for "other people". Good relationships centered on Christ are for "other people." Successful marriages are for "other people". College education is for "other people".
Those are powerful lies, alright. But Jesus Christ did not die for "other people". He died for you. He died for us all. We walk in victory when we walk with Christ. No, we don't stride around in arrogance and we don't walk without difficulty, but we DO walk, fully alive in the Spirit.
We're told many lies on a daily basis. Our hearts and minds are under attack, constantly. We're told we can't make a difference, won't be any good, still aren't good enough, will fail if we actually try, and so many others I'm sure you can think of. But the Word and Holy Spirit speak truth into these lies. Jesus calms our hearts and gives us peace. We know, that we know, that we know, that our God is more powerful.
His YES is stronger than satan's NO.
Oh, imagine how we'd live if we really believed all of the promises and truths of God's Word over the lies of the enemy. Imagine how different life would be. Now, go do it. Go walk in the confidence of His Word, and don't let the haters get you down. If there's a calling on your heart, go do it! If you wait around for these "other people", you'll be waiting forever.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Five-year Flashback.
Hey All,
It's been a crazy last few weeks, but we all made it through our respective finals and now it's time to enjoy some much-needed time off! Well, kind of. It turns out that getting ready to leave the country for 6 months is a little hard to do during finals/after a car wreck/hopped up on vicodin/while moving back home... who knew?
I am so surprised at how fast this year has flown by, it's already halfway through May! I leave in 53 days. FIFTY THREE! I am getting crazy excited (except for the ton of shots I'm getting soon, those I am not too thrilled about...) I am 68% funded, WHOOP. I have $6400 out of the $9300 I need, and that is ALL God. He has been faithful to provide and will continue to do so!
So as I was unpacking my things at home, I found a list of reasons why I should go to Africa that I wrote a while back...as in, five years ago. The list starts off with things that I'd be able to contribute to in a mission-work type setting ("I like working with kids" and "I don't mind being outdoors all the time"), then goes on to reasons why this would help in my career ("It shows I care about others"), then I started listing scriptures about sharing the Gospel. The entire list had a huge "X" through it, and at the bottom of the page, I wrote down one sentence.
"I want to go to Africa because it's what I'm called to do, none of the other reasons matter"
Apparently my 15 year-old self was rather insightful, but this was such an awesome reminder that this trip is truly something God has put on my heart for years. I can't believe that I actually get to go and live this dream. Sure, it's a little crazy, but hey... this is me we're talking about. I am beyond thankful for what God has done in my heart this last year and for all the many ways He's taught me, grown me, stretched me, tested me, humbled me, and shown me time and time again that none of it is about me; it's all about Him.
I've got 23 days to raise the last of my funding, 53 days until I leave, and 1 reason behind it all. I am thankful that the YES of God's promise is stronger than the NO of my circumstances. Please continue to pray that He will bring in the funding on His timing, and that He will be glorified through the whole process!
You can give $5, $10, or $15, and it will be a HUGE HELP! It adds up quickly when a lot of people give a small amount, so feel free to send any type of donation!
If you want to give, then do it! (go here: www.gofundme.com/bethelight)
If you'd rather go shopping (and it conveniently supports my trip), you can do that, TOO! Check out the Makeup for Missions Facebook Event!
It's been a crazy last few weeks, but we all made it through our respective finals and now it's time to enjoy some much-needed time off! Well, kind of. It turns out that getting ready to leave the country for 6 months is a little hard to do during finals/after a car wreck/hopped up on vicodin/while moving back home... who knew?
I am so surprised at how fast this year has flown by, it's already halfway through May! I leave in 53 days. FIFTY THREE! I am getting crazy excited (except for the ton of shots I'm getting soon, those I am not too thrilled about...) I am 68% funded, WHOOP. I have $6400 out of the $9300 I need, and that is ALL God. He has been faithful to provide and will continue to do so!
So as I was unpacking my things at home, I found a list of reasons why I should go to Africa that I wrote a while back...as in, five years ago. The list starts off with things that I'd be able to contribute to in a mission-work type setting ("I like working with kids" and "I don't mind being outdoors all the time"), then goes on to reasons why this would help in my career ("It shows I care about others"), then I started listing scriptures about sharing the Gospel. The entire list had a huge "X" through it, and at the bottom of the page, I wrote down one sentence.
"I want to go to Africa because it's what I'm called to do, none of the other reasons matter"
Apparently my 15 year-old self was rather insightful, but this was such an awesome reminder that this trip is truly something God has put on my heart for years. I can't believe that I actually get to go and live this dream. Sure, it's a little crazy, but hey... this is me we're talking about. I am beyond thankful for what God has done in my heart this last year and for all the many ways He's taught me, grown me, stretched me, tested me, humbled me, and shown me time and time again that none of it is about me; it's all about Him.
I've got 23 days to raise the last of my funding, 53 days until I leave, and 1 reason behind it all. I am thankful that the YES of God's promise is stronger than the NO of my circumstances. Please continue to pray that He will bring in the funding on His timing, and that He will be glorified through the whole process!
You can give $5, $10, or $15, and it will be a HUGE HELP! It adds up quickly when a lot of people give a small amount, so feel free to send any type of donation!
If you want to give, then do it! (go here: www.gofundme.com/bethelight)
If you'd rather go shopping (and it conveniently supports my trip), you can do that, TOO! Check out the Makeup for Missions Facebook Event!
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