It almost doesn't need to be said--but I'm going to spell this all out regardless. Africa. Leaving. Serving. My team. It's all slowly becoming more real and more definite. Every time I pray, it gets more specific.
My team members have names, stories, and lives of their own they are putting on pause to journey to another world. The dates and times are getting more specific, too. Be here at this time; we'll be training here and then flying out of there. I can almost, almost see it. My feet will be on African soil in no time at all. And for all the anticipation, all the prayer, and the time spent in joy and preparation--what's next? What happens when we get there?
I only have more questions the more I think and pray...and think, and pray...
It's like I could pray for days. I want to be prepared, spiritually, to pour out to others. I want to build real relationships with members of the community. With women. With children. With widows. And orphans. And people who don't know the love of Christ. I don't think I'll be standing on any street corners proclaiming the Gospel. But I know that seeds will be planted. Lives will be changed. My heart will break for these people; and God will bring them healing. My eyes will be opened to the incredible poverty and extreme situations that are commonplace in these countries, and I'll be frustrated with the way I live my life here. There are things I'm guaranteed to experience; there are things I would never be able to hope or pray for that the Lord will show us as we spend time serving Him. Anything can happen. Anything.
My prayer is that our team would be a raging fire for the Lord. Not a dim light, not a flicker of a candle. A raging, burning fire with a passion for the Lord that stirs things up. A presence of love and humility that God will use to destroy footholds, lies, and temptations of the enemy. A team entirely devoted to prayer and community, walking in the Spirit to take every opportunity to love others and to share the hope we have in Him.
It feels like I'm getting restless--but in a way, I think I always have been. At least a small part of me has always known that a quiet, comfortable life just doesn't quite line up with my heart and passion. It's almost time to take off on this adventure, but for now, I have to remind myself that I have a purpose to serve here. Please pray with me, that I will be focused to serve whole heartedly here until it's time for me to leave.
I have raised 40% of the money I need thus far. Praise the Lord. These donations have been prayerfully given, heartfelt, and incredibly humbling. I can't help but look at the names of those who have given and be thankful for their willing hearts. My next milestone is in 2 weeks, and I need $900 by then. My prayer is that the Lord will use this for His glory. Will you join in this prayer with me? Will you pray for my team, as they also go through the various challenges of fundraising?
To give:
UserID: CMOR1002
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