Let me preface this really quickly by saying it was a blessing to have so many of you guys ask me questions! REAL, honest, why-are-girls-so-crazy kind of questions. Thanks to Tiffany for the idea. She's had men write letters to women, and now I feel "up to the challenge" of hopefully encouraging my brothers in Christ to have a better understanding of us woman-folk! I took the questions the men were asked in these letters, as well as some specific questions from guys that submitted them. It's long, but hopefully worth the read. If you have thoughts, please share. I'd like to know how much of this makes sense!
Brother in Christ,
Let me
start out by thanking you for your questions. Thank you for having the courage
to ask specific questions about us women. I will openly admit that we are
confusing, difficult to understand, and sometimes even a little crazy. Hopefully
this letter can help clarify a few things in your mind and heart as you pursue
the Lord and the plan He has for your life, whether that includes a wife or
not. I will also admit to you that dating and relationships have been a huge “thorn
in my side” so-to-speak. I have had enough experience dating the wrong kind of guys to have a solid idea
of what not to look for. I hope and
pray that this letter can be encouraging to you and that God will continue to
work in your heart to make your desire for Him greater than any longing to be
in a relationship.
As for
what attracts me to a guy, I will give you a perfectly cliché, hallmark, Sunday
School answer. He absolutely must be “souled out” for Christ. When I think
about a potential relationship, I will consider what that person is willing to
for the Lord (which should be ANYTHING). There is nothing more attractive than
a man who prays and encourages those around Him. One of (if not the MOST)
attractive qualities in a guy is his heart for the Lord. As for what I notice,
I pay a great deal of attention to a man’s words. Out of the abundance of the
heart, the mouth speaks. Does he spend his time tearing others down, or
building them up? Is he so passionately in love with Christ that he can’t help
but share what the Lord is doing? Do his words match his actions and the way he
lives his life? I am only a woman, and I wish I could say that looks don’t
matter at all. I put a great deal less emphasis on them than I have in the past,
but essentially, girls like to see some effort! Put on a button down shirt.
Wear jeans. Take care of yourself. Those are good places to start!
regards to what I’m “looking for” in a potential relationship, the key thing to
me is that I shouldn’t have to look very
hard. I understand that people can
be guarded, and guys especially may not be comfortable talking about emotions.
That’s not what I’m referring to. The qualities I look for should be obvious
parts of them that can’t help but shine through. I am looking for someone to be
a “battle buddy” and a “running partner” (not real running, let’s be honest). I
know this sounds kind of strange. But honestly, I am looking for someone to
fight alongside me to do the Lord’s work. I want a “lion chaser,” meaning,
someone who will actively pursue the Lord and isn't afraid of a challenge. I
will be as honest as I can be, I am stubborn and for the most part, like to
take care of myself. I need a guy who can keep up with me. For this reason I don’t
look for someone who treats me like I might break if you squeeze too hard. I
want someone who will be a spiritual leader but will also spur me on to a
stronger relationship with Christ. Someone who isn't afraid to call me out on
tough issues and be genuine with me, even if that’s difficult to do. I don’t
think I’m comfortable with being in a relationship where I am supported. I need
more than someone to cheer from the sidelines; I want someone to actively
participate with me in reaching the lost for Christ.
If you
are curious about a girls’ intentions, my advice and encouragement is to be honest.
Be honest. Be honest. Be honest. If you find that a girl is pursuing YOU; you’re doing it wrong. I am an
extremely independent person, but I will not chase after a man. I will not ask
you what your intentions are in hopes that you want to date me, court me, or
otherwise pursue me. If you are at the point in a friendship/potential
relationship where you think a girl may have developed feelings for you or may
be romantically interested, you need to DTR—stat. I’m talking about a
face-to-face, sit down, talk it out kind of session. I know, a guy’s worst
nightmare. But I am perfectly serious. Tell her your intentions in a clear and
respectful way, and ask her to explain hers as well. And for goodness’ sake,
encourage her to GUARD HER HEART. If you cannot be honest enough or bold enough
to sit down and explain the way you feel to your sister in Christ, then you do
not need to be pursuing her. You do not need to date her. Your best bet is to
tell her specifically all you want is friendship, and pray for her as a brother
in Christ.
I can’t speak for all women, and
unfortunately, many a guy has thought that I was romantically interested when
all I wanted was a friendship. I believe friendship is the best basis for any
relationship. Girls flirt. We like attention. We like to be told we’re pretty
and we even like those cute little messages you send us, just because.
Sometimes we like the attention and we go along with it because it encourages us
to know that guys will treat us well. This doesn't mean that we are ready for a
relationship or that we are interested. It varies girl to girl on how that’s
expressed. We are called to encourage each other and love one another as
brothers and sisters in Christ! This does not mean we are dating! So unless we've specifically had that conversation, you can safely assume that we are friends.
But again, if you feel that a girl may be developing those feelings, be brave
and talk with her about it. That’s the best way to clarify and understand each
If you
want to encourage your sister in Christ, there are plenty of little (or big) ways
you can do this. Encourage her to read the Word. Speak truth in her life when
she needs it (but speak it in love, please and thank you!). Open her doors for
her. Be her friend. Make her laugh. Listen to her, I mean really, listen. Ask
her to put more clothes on. In a world where men are trying to see as much of
women’s bodies as they can, it is refreshing to have a guy ask a girl to put on
a sweater/wear leggings under that really short dress/etc. I had someone
respectfully ask me something similar once, and it took me by surprise—but I
was thrilled. Encourage us to be modest, and tell us if we are causing you to
stumble. Remind her that Godly men do exist. Serve her by living a life that reflects
the love of Christ! There is nothing more encouraging and refreshing then to
see men my age that are entirely wrapped up in doing the Lord’s work. Finally,
always be praying for her.
quick comment on Proverbs 31, you should read it. You should look for it in the
women in your life. It is a great guide for a Godly woman! BUT—look for a woman
who emanates Christ above all else! It’s one thing to desire to serve men as a
Godly woman, using Proverbs 31 as an example. It’s entirely different if a
woman is trying to be the perfect future Mrs. Whoever. I think that’s a trap
many women our age can fall into. If you've found a Godly woman, and she isn't ready to date or isn't comfortable with that kind of relationship at this point in her life, appreciate that. Respect that. Don't settle for less. There is a difference between convenience and connection! Don't settle for a girl that's a non-believer just because it means you can have a hot date or a good lookin' girlfriend. A real woman is worth waiting for, and more than likely, she'll make you wait!
pursuing a girl, it’s important to know what she thinks of as “dating”. It can
mean many things to many women. I am one of “those girls” and I like to read
Josh Harris books about good ol’ fashioned courtships. But I have many friends
that are comfortable with anything from casually dating to being friends first
or even courting. We all have different experiences and convictions that shape
the way we handle relationships. Talk about it with the girl you are pursuing
and agree upon the boundaries and expectations of your relationship early on!
This will save a lot of headache, I speak from experience.
of you asked about discussing failures/struggles with sin/past
relationships/past sexual impurity. Phew. That’s a tough issue. When it comes
to you talking about things that you struggle with currently or have had
problems with in the past; there’s a time a place for it. A first date or over
coffee? That’s probably not the ideal time. But there is a need for that
conversation. I’ve read Wild At Heart, and that makes me an expert on men.
(Ha-ha, that was a joke…It’s a touchy subject so that’s your comic relief) But
from what I’ve heard and read, men feel that failure somehow mars them. Failure
isn’t a reality in Christ! We are redeemed and restored through His incredible
love. Failure turns to victory and growth in the presence of Christ! Pray that
God will use your struggles to build your strength in His grace. Rejoice in the
ways God has overcome your struggles for you and the times He has moved in your
heart to remind you of it. We all have a past. We all sin. We are unworthy of
the precious love of our Savior, but He gives it freely. Your sin was nailed
next to mine on the Cross. The beauty in our stories comes from the things He
has overcome in us. There is no shame in Christ! NO SHAME!
being said, we women are imperfect. We have struggled too. While you may feel
that your struggle somehow automatically disqualifies you, women have a
seemingly universal struggle as well. The lies of the enemy tell us that our
struggle makes us unworthy. That we don’t deserve better. That we aren’t good
enough. When (not if—when) these lies start to come to mind or attack your
heart (or even the heart of the girl your dating) we are comforted in knowing
that our GOD is greater and He made us in HIS image. We are sensitive about our
pasts. We are hesitant to talk about our hurts and wounds in our hearts. You
are not alone in being anxious about having that conversation, and you are not
alone in the struggle. We are all redeemed and made beautiful (err uh, handsome!) in Christ. I
encourage you to share the things you’ve struggled with, and pray for one
closing, women are all so different. We are each unique, beautiful creations in
Christ, and we deserved to be treated as such. We’re royalty! No, I don’t mean
Disney princesses (though sometimes I wish…). We are daughters of the King of
Kings and He made us to be loved and respected. He made woman from Adam’s rib;
to be his equal, by his side, and near to his heart. We want courageous men.
Men who are bold in their faith and who will live a life of character and
reckless abandon for the Lord! I pray that you seek the Lord above all else and
have faith that the very Creator of our universe took the time to hand-fashion
a woman for you and for your heart. Keep pressing on towards the calling God
has for you!
--Your Sister in Christ
And they should read Captivating to truly understand us crazy women. :oD